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Steve & Barb Shortreed
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» The Letterville BullBoard » Letterhead/Pinstriper Talk » SHOOTOUT IN A SIGN SHOP IN MINNEAPOLIS (Page 2)

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Dennis Kiernan

Member # 12202

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Sonny, has anyone ever come up with regulations to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and nutjobs? All I've ever heard of was regulations to keep them out of the hands of those who abide by the law.
It's just like anything else -- alcohol, drugs, abortions, etc. Prohibiting them simply makes them more expensive and means people have to take more trouble to get them.
Of course it does provide jobs for millions of new gvmt employees.

dennis kiernan
independent artist
san francisco, calif, usa

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Bobbie Rochow

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Dennis, I don't think he meant to ban them, just to tighten things up so people with past records can't get them & use them for harm.

The Word in Signs
Bobbie Rochow
Jamestown, PA 16134



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Dennis Kiernan

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Bobbie, OK so I'll ask the same questions again. We've already got lots of laws about felons or people on probation having guns. Do they accomplish anything?

dennis kiernan
independent artist
san francisco, calif, usa

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Don Coplen

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I wonder if this is a "real" topic, or if people are just curious and want to test if Barb and Steve are monitoring their website.


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Mikes Mischeif
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[ October 19, 2012, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Mikes Mischeif ]

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

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Always watching, but I know you all know our desire to avoid chatting about topics that divide and take the focus off the real reason we come here.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Rusty Bradley

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Do all felons and people on probation acquire guns and use them or does the law have a deterent effect on some?...there are lots of laws against stealing, speeding, murder, child pornography, etc...yet these laws are also violated ...so I ask the question...do they accomplish anything?...or do you think these laws have a deternent factor...Hi Steve [Wink]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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David Harding

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...and do rules to avoid chatting on topics that divide us stop us?

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Dennis Kiernan

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The topic is a sign company employee who was fired.

My own boss at a cab company a few years ago had a wacky driver come at him like he was going to do him in. He keeps pepper spray in his desk drawer, altho he says he really ought to have a pistol.

OK. No more, altho I like such discussions.

dennis kiernan
independent artist
san francisco, calif, usa

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W. R. Pickett
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People get fired from jobs every day. This IS about a GUN NUT who started killing people when he got fired.

WR Pickett
Richmond, Va.

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Don Hulsey

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Actually it is about some idiot that started killing people because he was fired. Whether he had a gun or not, he was still an idiot.

Someone needs to run the numbers on how many people own guns as opposed to how many people kill people with guns.

I personnaly do not own a gun because my wife told me before we married that she would rather not have them in the house. The next day I sold all 8 of the ones I had. I think anyone that has the intelligence to make a choice should have the right to choose to have them or not.

I also think the people that choose to do stupid things with them should be punished accordingly. I also think people that do stupid things with alcohol and vehicles, knives, and even rocks should be punished accordingly.

Many years ago someone set fire to a local hotel, and over 120 people died in the fire. Should we ban matches?

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

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Rusty Bradley

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Another point for David.

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Todd Gill

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Unfortunately, the price of freedom includes an occasional nutjob using a gun with tragic results.

Just as unfortunate that many people drive drunk and kill people, or have poor driving skills and kill people.

Driving drunk is illegal. Yet people drive drunk and kill people every day in America. Shall we restrict booze, or make certain concoctions of liquor illegal so that some theoretical person might not be able to drive drunk some day?

Shall we stop selling knives, and baseball bats, and trampolines? Should we ban surgeons from working on people - who kill and maim thousands of people each year?

Should cigarettes be banned? Look at the carnage caused by these cancer sticks.... emphysema,heart disease, cancer, etc.?

There are literally thousands of gun laws on the books now. The liberals won't truly be happy until nobody can own one. And the United Nations is trying hard with support from Hillary Clinton and Obama to do just that - a global ban on small arms. The United Nations sculpture in NY even has a handgun with the barrel tied into a knot.....

Somebody needs to alert good americans that 'The Redcoats are Coming'.... except that they are already here.

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Rick Janzen
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Are we done preaching from the soap box yet? Not sure what any of this has to do with signs.

[ October 21, 2012, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Rick Janzen ]

Streamline Studios Inc.
Calgary. AB

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Bob Rochon

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I think it has a lot to do with signs, this happened at a sign company which hits home to a lot of us. I as an owner with employees do carry. this could happen to any one of us.

I hope I am never presented with this horror, but I feel better if I did, that I would at least have that option to protect not only my life but more importantly others' lives.
And, I can tell you, people who skim under the arm of the law, can aquire handguns in a blink of an eye, so laws do nothing to stop the criminals. Not one fricken thing. [Razz]

[ October 21, 2012, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]

Bob Rochon
Creative Signworks
Millbury, MA

"Life is Like an Echo, what you put out, comes back to you."

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Rick Janzen
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I have to disagree with you Bob. This doesn't have anything to do with signs, just that the unfortunate incident took place at a sign shop. It has more to do with violence in the workplace. This post has turned into a platform to debate gun control, both the pros and cons. I'm sure there's forums out there that you could spend all day debating the topic, I just don't think a sign forum is the place to do it.

Streamline Studios Inc.
Calgary. AB

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Don Coplen

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But, Steve would have locked the thread when he posted three days ago if he didn't want it to continue.


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Michael Clanton

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I worked at a screen shop for almost 10 years- my boss had a loaded 9mm in his top desk drawer the entire time- I only saw him use it once... but it was good to know it was there and ready to use if needed-as we were also located in an area that had gangs and thugs and drug dealers that wandered around unchecked and unhindered by laws or law enforcement--

it is tragic but the reality is there are more and more evil, stupid people in our world who have no regard for another person's life- I don't know how you get rid of those people to allow others to be able to live a decent life, but so far everything that has been tried by governments has ended up helping the evil people and punishing the decent people...

Michael Clanton
Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio
1933 Blackberry
Conway AR 72034

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Todd Gill

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Amen to that, Michael and Bob.

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Rusty Bradley

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I was raised in a hunting family...we had rifles and shotguns and taught gun safety and respect from the start...we never had an accident...we hunted squirrels, rabbits, doves, quail, deer, and at times most anything that crawled, swam, or flew...if you were a critter and not someone's pet or property then you were history when we were armed...we were very proficient killers...at about 12 my older brother and I took different paths...to demonstrate...he got a new shotgun for Christmas and I got a pair of binoculars and the big Audubon Birds of America book which I still have to this day and still on occassions browse through...my brother and I still hunted wildlife but in very different ways...so I've not owned or used a gun since but my wife owned a pistol for a while when she operated a little health food store and carried the money nightly...so I don't mess with guns but here are events that happened to people that I personally know where guns were involved.

When I was a kid my good friend's mother shot and killed an intruder who had attacked her in her sleep...as he attempted to rape her she reached under her pillow where she kept a revolver and blew him away.

Shortly after I married there was a guy we knew in the apartment below us...he got in a fight with his wife...went to the bedroom and blew his brains out...we heard the shot.

My sister-in-law committed suicide using my brother's pistol...my nephew found her in the bedroom.

A new friend I've recently made down at the lumber yard told of a tragic gun incident in his family...his father accidently killed his brother while cleaning a rifle.

Another guy that I made a sign for walks with a very very pronounced limp because of an accident while cleaning his gun...his leg was nearly lost.

A kid that I coached in youth league basketball used a pistol to rob a mom and pop store...he's presently doing time for the crime.

One of my wife's relatives...a teenager...was accidently killed by his friend while handling a pistol at his house.

From what I read my experiences bear out the stats...guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used in self-defense. I guess everybody has their stories...but these are the ones that I have personal knowledge of...however...I do not know if the kid I coached used a gun from home to commit his crime.

[ October 21, 2012, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Len Mort

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All LTC holders are welcome in my shop, I feel much safer with them then alot of the public, It's not uncommon for many of my customers to drop in to talk about thier newly purchased pieces.
Those with permits are more trustworthy than those without!

Len Mort
11 Juniper Drive
Millbury, MA
"A Good Business Sign, is A Sign of Good Business"(1957)

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old paint
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well lenny when the other thing you used to talk about no longer works..........then you replace it with a hard metal object)))))

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Dennis Kiernan

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Rick, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAYMOND doesnt have anything to do with sign-painting either.

dennis kiernan
independent artist
san francisco, calif, usa

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Don Hulsey

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However there are many other posts on this site that DO talk about signs.

You should not have to read very far into this one to figure out what it is about, and you shouldn't have to read very much farther to realize that it is of interest to a LOT of people here.

If it is of interest to you, and you have an opinion, you can post it. If it is not of interest to you, you can simply close it, and look at one of the many other topics. If that is the case you may want to remember the heading, so you don't accidentally click on it again.

Thank you Steve, for allowing this one to continue.

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

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David Wright
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Rusty, I can't imagine having a gun under my pillow.
I guess it worked out unlike the others.

We should start a thread about all the personal tragedies with autos, that would be a list.

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan

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Rusty Bradley

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David...she was a widow lady and her son was spending the night with a friend...they were gun collectors and she was very familiar with handling firearms...but we all thought the same thing as you did...how dangerous to keep a loaded pistol under your pillow...but anyway that was the police report.

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Rick Janzen
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Gee...I guess I won't be getting any "Happy Birthdays" from this group. Maybe I'll just go paint a sign instead.

Streamline Studios Inc.
Calgary. AB

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Bob Rochon

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Happy Birthday Rick [Smile]

Bob Rochon
Creative Signworks
Millbury, MA

"Life is Like an Echo, what you put out, comes back to you."

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Rick Janzen
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Thanks Bob, love the happy face. I guess the problem with subjects like this is, everyone has a passionate view, and there can be no clear winners. I think the real issue is the sad state of affairs we find our selves in that we feel we have to arm ourselves just to go to work. I'm not sure what the answer is.

Streamline Studios Inc.
Calgary. AB

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Dennis Kiernan

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There's not a single day that goes by that a cab driver doesnt get shot and killed in the USA, and always by people carrying illegally. That's why the drivers who want to have a chance at defending themselves arm themselves. That is their ONLY defense. All the other feel-good stuff like GPS, alarms, cameras in the cabs, and cops are of no value.

dennis kiernan
independent artist
san francisco, calif, usa

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Member # 1948

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Gee, I can clearly see who I fit in with and who I don't!!! haha If you don't like guns...don't get one...but don't tell me I can't protect my home or self. Good day!

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

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Len Mort

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Originally posted by old paint:
well lenny when the other thing you used to talk about no longer works..........then you replace it with a hard metal object)))))

Mr Pirbish;
That was very uncalled for remark, but then again we know where it's coming from. No suprise there!

Len Mort
11 Juniper Drive
Millbury, MA
"A Good Business Sign, is A Sign of Good Business"(1957)

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old paint
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well lenny........it was good)))))))))) deal with it)_))

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Todd Gill

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[ October 24, 2012, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Todd Gill

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Rusty - do you subscribe to 'right to die' or assisted suicide? If so, what difference does it make which method a person chooses to end his/her life? Gun... pills... knife...

Regarding accidents: I picked up and carried too heavy a load of 2X4's years ago and carried them into my brother's house for a home improvement project... I twisted my back to jockey the load of lumber from his entry door into an offset basement door to take the lumber down the basement. For that stupid move, I was awarded a lifetime of lower back pain issues. How is that 'accidental' permanent physical injury any different than someone not following proper procedures and shooting himself in the leg? It's called the Darwin Award.

I know a guy, who killed himself at 22 yrs old..... left a note and hung himself from his apartment ceiling light fixture with a dog chain. Whoever the electrician was, gets kudos for a sturdy installation. Point being... there are a million ways to die, but not as many ways to protect your family and property.

Does a person have a choice when someone else runs a stoplight and kills him/her? How are you going to legislate against that? Let's begin to add up the traffic deaths attributed to drunk driving, stupidity, distractions, negligence, etc..... and then ban driving altogether.

I can give you many personal stories of non-gun related tragedies.... it doesn't make any difference whether a gun was involved or not.

I am 51 years old... and I have several AR15's.....as well as many other firearms. I've never had the urge to shoot someone. Not ever.

[ October 23, 2012, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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old paint
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sorry toddie, but you saying you never had the URGE to shoot somebody, AND OWNING SEVERAL AR-15's.......is not adding up. glad you didnt take your guns to the movie theater))))
oh i guess you bought those guns, cause they are pretty, and/or you have a lota varmits to kill so you need a "couple" fully automatic weapons????

[ October 23, 2012, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Rusty Bradley

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Todd...I hear your points...some valid...others not so much...at least to me...however I think it best to decline getting in a "tit for tate" debate as I wouldn't want to be the first person you have an urge to shoot. [Wink] ...however you would be a pretty cool guy to debate with...wait...we did do that once before as I recall...it was the healthcare issue...as I remember we actually had a pretty good time even though the subject was controversial...I thought we both made some reasonable points...to our credit we kept it civil and even had some fun...I came away from that with alot of respect for you even though we disagreed and you had caused me to miss about 2 weeks of work..that last remark was meant as a joke...though I think we could do that again and still remain friends I'm bowing out of this one...I also learned to never get in a debate with Glenn...the guy is brillant at the art of debate.

[ October 23, 2012, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Don Coplen

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This thread provides solid evidence that the gossip/backstabbing/disrespect section of Letterville should be shut down permanently and emphasis be put on the portfolio section.

Perhaps replace the gossip/backstabbing/disrespect section with a new design/layout section.


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W. R. Pickett
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The primary reason that MOST people get guns is to SHOOT SOMEBODY! That is what they are intended for.
Whether you 'approve of' gun control or not, gun control IS the only thing that can curb the bloodshed.

WR Pickett
Richmond, Va.

Posts: 1955 | From: Richmond, Va. | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Raymond Chapman

Member # 361

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What a dumb statement!

Chapman Sign Studio
Temple, Texas

Posts: 6306 | From: Temple, Texas, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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