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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, ON, Canada
N1M 1G9

Phone: 519-787-2892
Fax: 519-787-2673
Email: barb@letterville.com

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The Letterhead Website



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» The Letterville BullBoard » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register?

Registration may be required if you plan to post new topics or reply to existing topics (depending on the particular forum you are using). Registration is free, and you are required to provide your real name. You are required to provide your actual email address, also.

Where can I review the user agreement?

Please click this link to review the user agreement.

Laws Of Letterville

Posting in Letterville is a privilege. To maintain that privilege, we require that you all treat each other in a professional and respectful manner. This does not mean you must like or agree with everything you read, but there are ways to debate without name calling and personal attacks.

Topics such as religion and politics have no place here on Letterville. Experience has taught us that highly emotional discussion and opinions on certain subjects only serve to divide us. Letterville was created as an oasis where we are all Letterheads first.

This is not the spot for commercial advertising. If you have a product our users should know about, please call us about becoming a Letterville Merchant. 519-843-2377 or e-mail barb@letterville.com

How can I change my registration profile?

You may easily change any info stored in your registration profile, using the "my profile" link located near the top of each page. You must be logged in in order to update your profile.

What do I do if I forget my login ID and/or password?

Retrieving your login ID and password is simple, assuming that email features are turned on for this message board. All of the pages that require you to identify yourself with your username and password carry a "lost password" link that you can use to have your username and password emailed instantly to your email address of record.

Are cookies used?

This bulletin board uses cookies to store the following information: the last time you logged in, your login identification, and your preferences. These cookies are stored on your browser. Cookies are not used to perform any function other than to enhance your use of the message board. If your browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies on your browser, many of these time-saving features will not work properly and you will not be able log in. You must be logged in to use most functions of this board.

How can I clear all cookies set on this board?

If you ever experience login problems, you may have a problem with the cookies that have been set in your browser. If this happens, you can try clearing all cookies set on this message board by clicking here

What do those icons next to each topic mean?

These icons provide information on the state of each topic:
New Posts Old Posts  
[new] [old] An open topic
[new] [old] An important topic
[new] [old] An open poll
[new hot] [old hot] Topic with more than 20 replies
[new closed] [old closed] A closed topic or poll
[new closed] [old closed] A moved topic or poll

How do the new post images work?

Every time you begin browsing the board, a cookie is set in your browser containing the date and time. When you return later, this cookie is read, and the date in the cookie is compared to the last post time of each topic. If the topic has had new posts since you last visited the board, it will be marked with a "new" icon. Use this link to update the new post indicators. (You may also find the update link on your "my profile" page.)

How can I use smilies?

Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :) or a frown :(. This message board automatically converts certain smilies to a graphical representation, which we call graemlins. You can use our Instant Graemlins buttons for automatic generation. For example, if you type :o in your post, it will automatically be converted to  - - a shameful face. The following graemlins are currently supported:
:) Smile Smile
:( Frown Frown
:o Embarrassed Embarrassed
:D Big Grin Big Grin
;) Wink Wink
:p Razz Razz
:cool: Cool Cool
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
:mad: Mad Mad
:eek: Eek! Eek!
:confused: Confused Confused
:rofl: Rolling On The Floor Rolling On The Floor
:ap: Applause Applause
:ot: Off Topic Off Topic
:fyi: For Your Information For Your Information
:dk: I Don t Know I Don t Know
:bash: Bash Bash
:ghug: Group Hug Group Hug
:thanks: Thanks Thanks

How do I use HTML and UBB Code?

You may be able to use HTML and/or UBB Code in your posts, if your administrators and moderators have those options turned on for each forum. Some forums may have either HTML or UBB Code turned off, or both turned off. Only your message board's leaders can set this. Every time you post a new note, you will be told whether UBB Code and/or HTML is enabled for that particular forum. If HTML is on, you may use any HTML tags, but please be very careful that you use proper HTML syntax. If you do not, your moderator or administrator may have to edit your post. UBB Code is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions, such as hyperlinking, image display, bolding and italicizing. Complete details on UBB Code are listed here.

What are posting icons?

Depending on the configuration of your forums, you may be able to associate an icon with each post that you make. There are currently 16 icons, each expressing a different emotion or identification. These icons range from a simple note to sadness to warning. These icons appear next to each topic in a forum listing and on each post. If you do not see icons, your forum administrator may not be allowing icons on this particular forum. (Thanks to Kombat03 for the icon idea!)

What are moderators?

Moderators control individual forums. They can edit, delete, or prune any posts in their forums. If you have a question about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum moderator.

What are user titles?

Each registered member has a title that reflects his or her "rank" on this board. Administrators are given the title "Administrator". Moderators are given the title "Moderator". Some members are given special titles by the administration such as Resident. To learn how to become a Resident click click this link or Merchant click this link

Signature File?

We are a community of professionals. In either case, use of a signature file that automatically signs your posts is always required. Your signature should include your first & last name, company name, and your location. There is no place for anonomity in Letterheads or here in Letterville. In my opinion, there is an element of trust at stake. How can you trust information shared by someone who won't even reveal their true identity and interest in our business?

Can I attach files?

For security reasons, you may not attach files to any posts. You may cut and paste text into your post, however, or use UBB Code (if enabled) to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.

Are there any censor features?

The message board administrators have the power to censor certain words that may be posted. This censoring is not an exact science, however, so certain words may be censored out of context. Please realize that the censoring, if any censoring is being performed, is being done by a computer based on the words that are being screened. Words that are censored are replaced with asterisks.

How can I report an inappropriate post?

If you see a post that you believe requires immediate attention from a moderator or administrator, click this icon:  - . You can then write a brief note explaining why you are reporting this post. The alert goes to the forum moderator(s) and the board administrator via email. Note that this feature may be disabled by the board administration.

What are Avatar Images?

Avatar Images are the small photo's you will see beside a users name they represent if the user is a Resident or Merchant. To learn how to become a Resident click click this link or Merchant click this link

Can I edit my own posts?

You may edit your own posts within the 1st day. Look for the edit icon on the post to be edited. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum moderator(s) or the message board administrators. If a forum leader edits your post, a note is generated at the bottom of each post that is edited so that every one knows when a post has been edited. The forum administrators may choose to cause a similar note to be added to your post if you edit it. Note that if your post was the start of a new topic, deleting your post would result in the removal of the entire topic (all replies after your topic would also be deleted). Only registered members can edit their posts.

Can I be notified by email if someone responds to my topic?

If you create a new topic, you have the option of receiving an email notification every time someone posts a reply to your topic. Just check the email notification box when creating a new topic, if you want to use this feature. Only registered members can use this feature.

Can I get email notification of replies to topics I'm interested in?

Yes, you may. When making a full reply to a topic, check the "Email Notification: emails sent to you whenever someone replies." option, located below the Instant Graemlins / Instant UBB Code™ boxes.

What is Quick Reply?

Quick Reply allows you to add a reply to an open topic without leaving the topic itself. At the bottom of each topic will be a field in which you may write your reply. Once you are done, you may post the reply directly, preview the post (if allowed by the administration), or move the post to the normal reply page. If you do not wish to use Quick Reply, you may turn it off by editing your preferences - click the "my profile" link at the top of the page, then click the Edit Preferences link. Note that this feature may be disabled by the board administration.

How do I vote in a poll?

To vote in a poll, click the Vote Now button inside of a poll topic. Please note that the administrator may choose to restrict certain users from voting in polls, and you may not have permission to vote as a result.

Can I search?

You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, by a particular registered member, by date, and/or by forum. Just click on the "search" link at the top of most pages.

Can I search private forums?

Yes, if you have permission to access the particular private forums you wish to search. Note that you must be logged in to search private forums.

What is the "Blue Arrow" at the top of each topic?

When you visit a topic, you may see a blue arrow icon (Jump to Latest Posts) at the top of the page. If you click on this icon, or the link next to it, you will be taken to the first new post made since you last started browsing the board. If there have been no new posts in that topic since you last started browsing the board, you will be taken to the last post in the topic instead. Note that this feature may be disabled by the board administration.

What are private messages?

The administrators of this message board may permit members to send private messages to each other. A private message is not email. Private messages are one-to-one communications that can only be read by the recipient. You can read private messages in your profile section. You can prevent anyone from sending you a private message by editing your preferences. Only registered members may send private messages. This option can be disabled by the board administrators.

To send someone a private message, look for the private message icon (New Private Message) on a post a person creates. You can send a private message through the person's member profile, or from your Buddy List, if you have added the person to your Buddy List.

What is an Ignore List?

Ignore lists apply to private messages only. Anyone you add to your ignore list can no longer send you a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link. Private messaging must be enabled on this site in order to use ignore lists.

What is a Buddy List?

Buddy lists apply to private messages only. Anyone you add to your buddy list is stored in a handy location, so that you can easily send the person a private message. You can put someone on your buddy list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to buddy list" link. Private messaging must be enabled on this site in order to use buddy lists.

How will I be notified when I have received a private message?

If the board administratior has enabled private messaging, and you have received a private message, an icon (New Private Message) and a message will be displayed below the "log out" link at the top of most pages. If you have enabled the option in your preferences, you will also receive an email notification of the private message. You may edit your preferences by clicking the "my profile" link at the top of the page, then clicking the "Edit Preferences" link.

How To Post Images on The Letterville BB

Click on this link click this link

Having trouble logging in

1) Make sure you are entering your password correctly. They are case-sensitive.

2) Make sure you are logging in at http://www.letterville.com/ubb and not lettervilles.com with a s or letterville.com all though they look exactly the same you will have problems logging in at those urls.

3) Ensure that your browser supports cookies; if so, check the security level you are using. High levels of security restriction in certain browsers will automatically reject cookies. In order to use the key features of these forums, you'll need to accept cookies.

4) Completely logout by hitting the Logout link on the page, and then log back in again..

5) After logging in, you may have to hit the reload/refresh button on your Web browser to expedite the authentication..

6) If these steps don't work you can try purging your cookies from this site using the My Cookies tool.

7) If you continue to have problems, go to the login page. Enter your Username in the Username field and click the "I forgot my password" button. Your password will be end to the email address used for the account setup..

8) If you can't get logged in and need help just e-mail barb@letterville.com or give us a call 519-787-2673


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UBB.classic™ 6.7.2

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