This is topic for those who are looking at Windows8 in forum Letterhead/Pinstriper Talk at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
here's a link that I ran across
WIndows 8 upgrade from Staples
Posted by Nikki Goral (Member # 7844) on :
Michael, do you know if Illustrator CS5.1 will work on Windows 8? I have Googled for an hour and see 5.5 is ok, but nothing less than that.

How about Photoshop CS2?
Posted by Nikki Goral (Member # 7844) on :
I found you can run Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant (Google that name) and run it on your present unit.
It shows that everything I have will run on Windows 8!!! Office Max is running a special on a Dell Laptop with a touch screen for $399! Might go get it this weekend!
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
NO need to upgrade to 8 if you don't have a touch screen is there? Yahoo had an article claiming Windows8 was a total failure. I like 7 a lot but my only foray into 8 made me think I'd hate it. Can't beet the price from Staples though.
Posted by Nikki Goral (Member # 7844) on :
It is a touch screen [Smile]
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I have a free W8 upgrade coming on this computer but I haven't had the nerve to use it, although 8.1 looks more tempting than 8.0.

My neighbor has W8 on her computer and I tried to print something off it when both my printers croaked the same day. What an unintuitive nightmare that was! Some of the problem might have been all the bloatware that was loaded on her new computer which only served to confuse and obfuscate what should have been the simple act of printing a .pdf. I like W7 and was not at all impressed with W8.

All that being said, I'll likely spring for a convertible W8 laptop/tablet computer in the near future. I was intrigued by the coming Samsung which will dual boot to Android but a geeky friend is using an Android emulator on his. Going that route would allow me to shop for more budget friendly hardware.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I was told that Win8 is the new Vista which was the new Millenium!

[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
I hate!
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
I was basically forced into W8 with my new computer and I hate it. I can't find anything anymore, and as David said, it's clunky and not intuitive. Things I could do with one click before now take several. I haven't upgraded to 8.1 yet, but other than adding the start screen, I don't think much will change......
Posted by Nikki Goral (Member # 7844) on :
I tried the unit out in the store. Seemed to make sense to me as far as navigation goes...similar to how my Kindle organizes things. In any case, for a cheepie home laptop, I am willing to give it a try. Then determine whether it is ok to switch out the workhorses at the shop when they die soon...
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Si reminded me that I was going to compare W8 to the Vista I had on a laptop for about a month until I cajoled Lenovo into sending me an XP Pro disk. Vista wouldn't even allow me to save a file, "You don't have permission to do that".
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :

Calls to mind that I bought a new laptop with ME. After a month, Dell was forced to send me XP Pro. Problem solved. [Smile]

Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
This laptop(my Wife's) has Win7 and it's not much different, basically, from Vista and XP, I recently bought a Dell from WallyWorld for $399 with Win8. I didn't like 8 at first but once you get past the startup page, it's not bad at all. I actually like the way the apps and the search features are designed. My SignWizard, Aspire, and Corel x4 suite work fine on it. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out yet, is to get it to dual boot with Ubuntu for running the Linux CNC
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
hmmm- I don't even remember posting this topic... I still run XP pro on both PCs, so I know I wasn't looking to upgrade... those 2 machines are the only stable computers that I have working right now.

If it makes all the Mac haters feel better, I am having all kinds of OS issues with both of my iMacs!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
XP pro unfortunately is seemingly my best choice. In working one other machines, I find myself having learned how to maneuver around in XP just fine. Will upgrade soon and will get to see how much I have missed. XP has really been amazingly stable for me, compared to earlier MS OS.
Posted by Nikki Goral (Member # 7844) on :
I am really liking bits and pieces of the Windows 8. I had to start using newer versions of Illustrator (from 9 to CS5...quite a jump!) and my CS2 Photoshop works well too. I had gotten an Office Upgrade (2010) and of course, that loads fine. I loaded Streamline! ha! and it works great. Just a few minor glitches with my PDF Creator and Snag It, but were settings issues. I instruct at the local Tech College on a Mac and teach Illustrator CS6 and am amazed at how similar they are.
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :
I have a new computer that comes with Windows 8
I tried to install Corel 13 and can't seem to make it work. Any thoughts?
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :
Never mind the above post. I figured it out. T
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Which reminds me of Flexi 10.2 and beyond.They pay computer "engineers" the big bucks to slow things down for us with no need tricks that ruin our day.
And we should be happy they say ?
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :

They hold us for ransom and then we give them money and smile and thank them for holding us for ransom....and then they say "that was easy" and hold us for ransom again....and we give them money and smile and thank them....

What a world...what a world...what a world.

Posted by Mikes Mischeif (Member # 1744) on :
We just upgraded to 7 with gerber omega 5.0 All is well. Loaded 20 mutoh drivers and 7 found the one it needed automatically. My wife chose 7 because she has alot of software on her unit and wanted the design station on her system too. Since she is the expert, I just write the checks.

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