Sasekalahewata 2007

March 9th, 10th & 11th
Oklahoma City, OK

Photo's Curiosity of Si Allen










Photo's Curiosity of Robert Beverly

Bobbo...espousing more wisdom!...or is that bullshit?...the jury is still out on that one!

A wonderfully executed sculpture cast in bronze from Fred. Again, a museum awaits the onlooker...and


Now...a postcard perfect example of the host!...Mr. Fred Self himself

Josh Hayden again...great work Josh...very cool approach and great work!

A Special Man...showcasing his best attribute!...Mr. Hiney!


More great Panels!

Mark yearwoods prize posession...a work from Doug Bernhardt...and what better place to showcase it concept!

A great cornacopia of talent shown here!

Wow...that is one popular rat!

Add some more to the weird pile!...some great rat stuff

A great trio of weirdness

Now...Hoogie said this was a 35 minute ride down memory lane....I think it's photograph!

yes...he does like them thar pin-ups!

again...give the boy some chill pills!

Mr. C...he just can't stop!


Mr. C and more trash!


reverse painting on glass....what fun!

Ron Meyers....a rat painting fool!

Mr. C...ya gotta stop practicing and do somethin constructive now!

A studious discussion! Dick Malfort teaching that young whippersnapper!

The other door prize, getting it all spiffed up!

Imagine winning this sucker! The raffle prize, won by Eric Elmgren, Chicago

Mr. C and his crazy cards!

Uncovering a special carved glass piece

Uncovering a special glass carving!

4 of the most talented, now to just get them to do any work! Rebel, Mr. C, Ron Meyers and Lil Toot


Click Here For More Photo's Curiosity of Corey Ringo


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